no luggage

Because of crazy restrictions, we had little carry-on baggage, so we basically have no clothes, no gear, and most tragically, no tracts and Bibles. All I have is a small stack of Hindi tracts, and they are almost gone. You could literally stand on these streets and hand out tracts 24-7. Despite our current situation, the Word has gone out in several instances today.

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In February of 2006, Full Proof Gospel Ministries visited the wind-swept regions of Tierra del Fuego and Patagonia with the Word of God and the Testimony of Jesus Christ. The FPGM team took Bibles and Gospel tracts into places like Rio Gallegos, El Calafate, El Chalten, Ushuaia (the world's southernmost city), and backcountry border areas on the Chilean frontier (i.e. hitherto unplowed ground). Numerous locals and foreign trekkers were confronted with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

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northernmost to southernmost

Beginning in Quebec, just across the international border from Escourt Station, Maine (the northernmost point of land in the contiguous United States), Jesse Boyd mounted his trusty bicycle and pedaled 3,412 miles to the southernmost point of the contiguous United States in Key West, Florida.

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2005, bicycle journeysFPGM
an ending, a beginning

At 5:45pm on December 8, 2004, our first missionary journey came to a full and final end as we safely pulled into Jamie’s parents’ backyard. There, the trailer will be parked for the next several months, and this place will temporarily be called home. I can only sit back and marvel when I think of all the Lord has done for us and all that he has brought us through since this whole thing began in the spring of 2003.

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2005, bicycle journeysFPGM
coast to coast 2003-2004

The first missionary journey of Full Proof Gospel Ministries began in Surf City, North Carolina on July 13, 2003. There, on the sands of the North Carolina coast, Jesse Boyd mounted a bicycle and began a ride that would take him all the way to the northwest corner of the contiguous United States. After 4,712 miles of pedaling, Jesse pedaled his bicycle into the Pacific waters outside of Neah Bay, Washington on October 30, 2004.

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2004, bicycle journeysFPGM
the long road home

About three weeks ago, the coast-to-coast bicycle journey for the Word of God and the Testimony of Jesus Christ finally came to a conclusion in Neah Bay, Washington. Notwithstanding, the work of the ministry and the public proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ carries on. Much has happened.

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2004, bicycle journeysFPGM
the finish line

He that began a good work in us hath surely brought it to completion (Philippians 1:6). On Saturday, October 30, at 6:00pm (Pacific Standard Time), my bicycle rolled up onto the sand and then into the waters of the Pacific Ocean along a beach just outside Neah Bay, Washington after 4,712 total miles pedaled for the Word of God and the Testimony of Jesus Christ. “Coast to Coast 2003” is finally accomplished.

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long may you run

Once again, the Lord manifested a powerful lesson to us in this situation. All we had to do was sit back and wait upon him; he would provide at the right time, and we would know that the provision came from his hand. Psalm 27:14 proved itself true: “Wait on the LORD: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the LORD.” I recall Zabriskie Point in Death Valley National Park to my mind. It was there that I twice cried unto the LORD for a vehicle, and twice he heard my cry, answering in his perfect timing.

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life in mammoth

It has been awhile since my last update, so I thought I would bring everyone up to speed on what has been going on here. To begin with, the Lord is definitely doing something in Mammoth Lakes, but the details are difficult to perceive at this juncture. This is plainly evident by the activity of the Enemy.

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2004, bicycle journeysFPGM
north dakota, south dakota

Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ, God of the Universe. I am writing this from Sioux Falls in the bottom southeast corner of South Dakota. How we got here is a long and somewhat frustrating story, at least from a human perspective. Then, what we were greeted with here in Sioux Falls, South Dakota’s largest city, was just plain sad. But first, here is how we ended up here.

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2003, bicycle journeysFPGM
a reminder of HIS grace

Enroute to Rosseau, the next town, the Lord gave me a great reminder of His grace at a time when I really needed such a reminder. Lying on the side of the highway was a cross someone had constructed with two solid sticks and some string. Oh, the cross …

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2003, bicycle journeysFPGM
a little stint into Canada

After penning the last report, we crossed the border at International Falls, Minnesota, and I pedaled approximately 30 miles to Barwick, a very small Canadian farm town. There, we camped alone for the night in what was basically a large field. Monday’s weather was absolutely incredible. Temperatures climbed into the 70’s, and there wasn’t a cloud in the sky.

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2003, bicycle journeysFPGM
ely to international falls

It has been almost a week since I penned our last report, and some of you may be wondering what has become of us. Well, I am sitting in the front seat of my truck typing this update on Sunday night, October 5th in International Falls, Minnesota … Let me go back and recap the past week.

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2003, bicycle journeysFPGM
into the north woods

Greetings in the name of the Most High God and the fellowship of Jesus Christ our Lord. All praise to the Maker of this wilderness in the midst of which I now sit. But, more about that later. The last couple of days have been an amazing chapter in this journey, and there is much to say.

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2003, bicycle journeysFPGM
one-way and out-of-the-way

I am penning this brief from a public library in downtown Iron River, Wisconsin. The facility is actually closed, but this kind lady let us come inside to use the computers anyway. Last night, after the email from Washburn, I pedaled up Hwy. 13 another 12 miles north.

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2003, bicycle journeysFPGM
nothing spectacular

It has been almost a week since our last correspondence, and we apologize. Much has happened, and there has been no access to the internet. The last epistle was penned, as you might recall, in a high school library in Munising, Michigan. Immediately after I walked outside to resume pedaling, I noticed a group of high school boys from a shop class looking at my bicycle.

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2003, bicycle journeysFPGM
gifts from the Creator

Since my last report penned in Green Bay, Wisconsin, much has occurred. Presently, I am sitting in a high school library in Munising, Michigan on the shore of Lake Superior. The weather is absolutely gorgeous, albeit quite windy . . . God also gave us an amazing gift.

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2003, bicycle journeysFPGM