a stronghold in the day of trouble
No money for gas, a low fuel light … and from this spot it was 80 miles back to my wallet in June Lake, California.
Greetings, brothers and sisters, in the precious name of the Only Wise God, Jesus Christ our Lord.
I apologize for the recent lull in communication. My laptop computer died, and we had to purchase a new one. It is an essential tool for this ministry, but it burned the pocketbook nonetheless. Thanks be to God, we are back online. Much has happened since my last unveiling of God's provision in the form of our new truck. Very soon, I will compose another update. Some big events and opportunities to proclaim the Gospel are coming up in the next couple of days, so I will let these take place so that the details can be relayed. Please be in prayer that the Word of God would go forth.
As for Jamie, she I doing fine, albeit having contractions at this very moment. Right now, we simply play the waiting game. We will be sure to inform you all of any news where the baby is concerned.
Well, I better go. It is late, but I just wanted to let everyone know that we are still here and still laboring for the Gospel. Things are really starting to happen here in Mammoth. Please continue to pray that we will speak boldly as we ought to speak.
In the past four days, the Lord saved our lives from certain serious injury, saved our truck from near destruction, and miraculously saved me from being stranded on a lonely mountain highway in the snow. In three separate incidents, He proved to be a stronghold and our Protector. All praise, honor, and glory be to his name.
On Monday, we were moving our stuff out here to this A-Frame house in June Lake, California where we now reside with privacy. The Christian community experiment in Dylan & Cheri's apartment is now finished. By God's grace, we all endeavored without major trial and/or tribulation. And, we can honestly say that we miss the fellowship. Anyway, while moving stuff, we were following Dylan & Cheri in their Jeep out on Highway 395. For some strange reason, I was prompted to pass them. To this day, I know not why I decided to do this. Just as my truck pulled around to the side, a large surfboard attached to the roof of their Jeep came loose and flew straight back where our truck had been seconds earlier. Most assuredly, this surfboard would have come right through the windshield thereby certainly causing a fatal accident. God protected us from certain doom.
On Monday night, Jamie and I were grabbing some dinner in Mammoth Lakes when I lost control of the truck on a patch of ice. We were headed straight for the side of a very expensive looking SUV with no apparent way to stop. The truck ceased motion only inches away. God protected our new truck and our pocketbooks from certain doom.
On Tuesday morning, I had to make a 50-mile drive to Bishop, California for an appointment. When I got all the way down there, I realized that my wallet was back in June Lake. Therefore, I could not keep the appointment or accomplish any of the things in Bishop I desired to accomplish (like buying groceries and gas, both of which are much cheaper in Bishop than in Mammoth). Anyway, I was stuck in Bishop with the low fuel warning light blinking on my truck's console. I had no money, no credit cards, and no way to get gas. I prayed for God's assistance, and he answered in a miraculous way. I drove 50+ miles with a low fuel light in a V8 truck all the way back to June Lake on a mountain highway that involved significant climbs in elevation. ’Twas truly a miracle that prevented me from being stranded out in the cold on a lonely highway with no cell phone service.
"The LORD is good, a strong hold in the day of trouble; and he knoweth them that trust in him" (Nahum 1:7).
Stay tuned for more details . . . We love you all with the love of the Lord Jesus Christ,
Jesse & Jamie Boyd
Full Proof Gospel Ministries
Romans 1:16-17