““The Lord gave the word: great was the company of those that published it.””
Here at Full Proof Gospel Ministries (Zerayim Colportage Board), we want to be of such company. Therefore, the primary means whereby we testify FIRST to the Jewish people and also to the Gentile nations (Acts 20:21) is through colportage work. And, all of our laborers are colporters who freely distribute and disseminate the printed Word of God en masse and in various forms "to the Jew first and also to the Greek" (Romans 1:16). One of the oldest and most effective forms of colportage evangelism involves the use of Gospel tracts. Below is a sampling of some of the tracts and/or Gospel booklets we have written and published over the years for specific ministry purposes. To acquire any of these titles, contact us via email or telephone. If possible, we ask that a donation be made to the ministry to cover printing and shipping costs. As printing costs can fluctuate, contact us for more information.
The pdf’s linked on the left can be printed and reproduced without permission ONLY if they are used for the proclamation of the Gospel of salvation and given away FREE. You have no right to sell this material.