Full Proof Gospel Ministries is based in Western North Carolina and was formally organized as a non-profit association in 2004 with the support of Bible-believing local churches. We operate as Zerayim Colportage Board, an international colportage ministry modeled after the historic Baptist Colportage Board and fully committed to the free distribution of the printed Word of God, for the Jewish people first, and also for the Gentiles. Understanding the vital importance of three simple words in the Great Commission, "it is written" (Luke 24:46), along with four simple words in the Apostle Paul's declaration of the Gospel, "to the Jew first" (Romans 1:16), we remain committed to a four-fold F.P.G.M. objective:
Since 2004, we have preached the Gospel of Jesus Christ on the streets of nearly 300 cities and towns spanning all 50 United States. We have distributed printed copies of God's Word and carried out the Great Commission in more than 40 countries spread over 5 continents. And, we have labored to publicly proclaim biblical truth on more than 125 university campuses, both at home and abroad. Since 2013, we have actively engaged in Jewish colportage work in North America, South America, Africa, and South Asia.
our name
Our ministry name is taken from the Apostle Paul’s exhortation to Timothy in II Timothy 4:5—“make full proof of thy ministry”—with full consideration of the surrounding context (i.e. II Timothy 4:1-5).
" . . .make full proof of thy ministry"
This original page from a 1st-edition 1611 King James Bible was left to Jesse Boyd by his grandmother when she died in 2003. This unexpected gift confirmed our name and presently hangs in FPGM's stateside office.
As for our ministry operation: Zerayim is the plural of the Hebrew word for "seed." Jesus said "the seed is the word of God" (Luke 8:11), thus emphasizing our commitment to the distribution of the Scriptures to the Jewish people first, and also to the Gentiles. Colportage was historically known as the ministry of distributing printed copies of the Bible. With these things in mind, we operate as Zerayim Colportage Board, modeled after the faithful work of the historic Baptist Colportage Board which was active in American history, intensively so in the Confederate Camps during the American Civil War. As Zerayim Colportage Board, we are always reminded that the whole Bible to the whole world (the Jewish people first and also the Gentile nations) is our whole duty.
A chapter from J. William Jones' 1887 book Christ in the Camp details some of the colportage work that took place in the Confederate camps during the American Civil War. These are amazing first-hand accounts.
our mission field
Our mission field is the whole face of the earth, and we go wherever the Lord opens a door of opportunity "to the Jew first, and also to the Greek" (Romans 1:16).
our commitment
We have committed to make full proof of our ministry by publishing and freely distributing pure copies of Holy Scripture, by publicly proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ the Messiah worldwide, by exhorting the remnant body of born-again believers to faithfully carry out the Great Commission "to the Jew first, and also to the Greek" (Romans 1:16) without compromise, and by earnestly contending against false teaching and lukewarm “churchianity.”
the work of the ministry
This ministry WILL NOT engage in merchandising or the requiring of financial remuneration for services provided. All services, ministry efforts, trainings, Bibles, and Gospel literature are FREE as the Lord provides.
Full Proof Gospel Ministries is autonomous and independent; it is not subject to the control of any church, denomination, or other ecclesiastical body. However, we do recognize the spiritual authority that our sending churches reserve in our lives and mission and sustain the right to cooperate with those causes and organizations that are biblical and in agreement with the mission and purpose of Full Proof Gospel Ministries and its STATEMENT OF FAITH.