a few people, a few places
It was time for a short break from the headwinds along the shore of Lake Superior.
Greetings, dear family and friends. Grace, mercy, and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord. Many of you are in our prayers daily as we trust that without ceasing you are making intercession before the throne of grace on our behalf.
FINALLY, I completed the ride across Michigan's Upper Peninsula. And along the way, we have met a few people and have seen a few places. I am penning this post from a public library in the small town of Washburn, Wisconsin. Since the last update, we drove back to Bruces Crossing via Green Bay and Rhinelander. The truck is fine; the metal filings turned out to be no big deal—just another delay used of the Lord to bring certain people in contact with the blessed Gospel. When I went by Rhinelander Toyota to pay my service bill, I was given the opportunity to witness to Gary, the service manager.
Finally, I made it across Michigan’s Upper Peninsula and into Wisconsin.
Late Tuesday afternoon, we wheeled into Bruces Crossing under sunny skies. The wind, however, was still brutal out of the west. While getting my bike ready for a short 20-30 mile ride, Tom, a local man, walked up and inquired about my purpose. The Lord gave me the opportunity to share the Gospel with him. This was another one of those "divine appointments,” I believe. The conviction of my heart tells me this. Anyway, I was only able to pedal about 20 miles in the wind, but we found this nice little community park campground right on Lake Gogebic. Jamie prepared an amazing dinner, and the stars were incredible that night. Granted, the evening air was chilly, but a small campfire kept our feet toasty as we read our Bibles in the orange glow of the flickering flames. After my wife had gone to bed, the childlike spirit within me prompted a walk down to the lake where I swung on the swing set for quite awhile. Such an adolescent activity provided a perfect opportunity to fellowship with the Creator and behold the glories of the Milky Way and the faint glow of the Aurora Borealis.
On Wednesday, the weather was absolutely brutal. Winds gusts of up to 35 mph were blowing straight at me. Once again, the trip was cut short. By early afternoon, I pedaled into Ironwood, MI where bike trouble forced us to get a cheap motel room. Fortunately, that town is known for its cheap lodging. With the wind chill factor, temperatures had to dip below freezing yesterday. There was also some rain, so the shelter was appreciated. Our presence in Ironwood for the night allowed for several unexpected witnessing encounters.
This morning, skies dawned overcast and COLD. However, the wind was calmer. After a good breakfast at a recommended local joint, I again pedaled west. Thus far, I have gone 50 miles with about 20 more to go. By God's grace, the sun poked through the clouds and the winds died down. Instead of taking the beeline route to Duluth along Hwy. 2, we veered off on Highway 13. This route is 40 miles longer, but it follows the scenic shore of Lake Superior and keeps me out of the direct force of the winds from the west. Moreover, there is far less traffic. I had a couple of close calls with eighteen-wheelers today. Tomorrow, Lord willing, we hope to pedal into Duluth, Minnesota (about 85 miles). This will be the last sizeable city in our path for quite a few miles. Please pray that the Lord gives us the opportunity to publicly proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ on the downtown streets sometime Saturday morning. Pray that He will send us people to hear the Word of God. From Duluth, we will change latitudes north to Ely where some Christian folks from Berean Baptist Church will be putting us up for a few days. There is also a gynecologist in Ely who has agreed to see Jamie for a pregnancy check-up on Monday.
Many of you may recall from a previous post that I ran into Frank & Debbie Bauer (two fellowbelievers) alongside a country road just outside of Monroe, Ohio. They have been going up to Ely for years for vacation. They graciously made some phone calls to believers up in Ely, and arrangements have been made for our care. The Lord's blessings are oftentimes unexpected and abundant. It is incidents like this that make it plain to us that every step of this journey can have major consequences down the road. For that reason, we tread softly and carefully, yet with a boldness to proclaim the Word of the Lord. Please pray for the many people who have heard the Gospel. Here are a few names: Gary; Stephanie Fox; Mark; Tom; lady cashier in Bergland Grocery; a lady walking down the highway in Wakefield, MI; 2 kids on bicycles in front of Trek & Trail Bike Shop in Ironwood, MI; owner of Hobby Wheels Bike Shop in Ironwood; a man walking down the street in Ironwood; Waiter at Liberty Bell Chalet in Hurley, WI; etc., etc.
The weather forecast is claiming possible snow early next week. Until the Lord prompts otherwise, we are determined to press onward along this northern route. Pray for our safety and warmth. What does not kill us will only make us stronger and more determined to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Also pray for Jamie and the baby as we see the doctor next week. I am so thankful for my wife and her willingness to follow me as I follow Jesus Christ. Several folks have talked with her as if she is fulfilling a "tag-along" role as I obey God. This is definitely NOT the case. Jamie is my partner in ministry. While I may preach and pedal, the Lord uses her sweet spirit of mercy to confront many people with the Gospel that might otherwise not hear. For this, I am grateful. She is also an amazing source of support. I could not do this without her, and neither of us could do this without the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Oh, here was another little milestone. It’s good to be in a new time zone.
By the way, many of you, through your prayers and support, are also fellowhelpers to the truth we proclaim. Rejoice in this. Well, I better go. I have so much more to say; there are so many adventures out here. Nonetheless, my "time block" is up on this computer, and there are a bunch of rowdy kids in here. Until next time, we purpose to fulfill our ministry, and we covet your prayers. Though circumstances may bind our progress, the WORD OF GOD IS NOT BOUND.
Grace unto you all,
Jesse & Jamie Boyd
Full Proof Gospel Ministries
Hebrews 4:12-13