no luggage
Bethany is jet-lagged out in Delhi.
Greetings from Delhi in the name of the One True God and his only-begotten Son, the Lord Jesus Christ:
I am penning this short update from a guest house in Delhi with an urgent prayer request in mind. We arrived here safely very late last night (early afternoon in Eastern Time), but none of our luggage showed up. No one knows where it is at this moment. Please pray that our stuff shows up. We fly out of here on Sunday morning (Saturday evening EST) for Leh, so pray that we hear something by then. Because of crazy restrictions, we had little carry-on baggage, so we basically have no clothes, no gear, and most tragically, no tracts and Bibles. All I have is a small stack of Hindi tracts, and they are almost gone. You could literally stand on these streets and hand out tracts 24-7. Despite our current situation, the Word has gone out in several instances today. Again, please make this luggage thing a matter of urgent prayer. The Bible says, “The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much” (James 5:16).
I’m tired of going back and forth to this office.
For those of you who prayed that Bethany would do well for us on the plane, your prayers were answered in abundance. She was exceptional and actually slept most of the time. People have told us that it is very difficult traveling internationally with small children, but we cannot relate to this at the present time. Praise be to the Lord.
The taxi ride from the airport was quite an adventure in the wee hours of the morning. We nearly averted collisions with 3 large cows, a bus, a soot-puffing truck, and numerous pedestrians. Bethany kept asking “What is that?”, referring to the interesting smells all around.
For now, I guess I will go back to enjoying this A/C window unit in our room. Jet-lag is a bit of a burden at the moment. The air outside is sticky and hot. The streets are chaos and madness, and the opportunities are abundant.
Peace be with you all in the Lord,
Jesse, Jamie, and Bethany Boyd