saving faith that works (hebrews 11:7)
This message was preached by Pastor Jesse Boyd on June 9, 2024 to New Testament Christian Fellowship in Conover, North Carolina from a location in Yankton, South Dakota. It exegetically addresses 11:7 in the larger exposition of the Book of Hebrews by the shared teaching of the NTCF Elders and its missionaries.
This message was preached by Pastor Jesse Boyd on June 9, 2024 to New Testament Christian Fellowship in Conover, North Carolina from a location in Yankton, South Dakota. It exegetically addresses 11:7 in the larger exposition of the Book of Hebrews by the shared teaching of the NTCF Elders and its missionaries.
The attestation of genuine faith in the “they that believe to the saving of the soul” vs. “them who draw back unto perdition” in Hebrews 10:39 has a testamentary epitaph bequeathed to us, the Church (11:4-40). And that testament goes way back. It is seen in the SAVING FAITH of Noah: a faith that works. Saving faith isn’t by works, but saving faith does indeed work. Noah was a preacher of righteousness, and his testimony of saving faith clearly demonstrates how the overwhelming majority of people can be wrong. When the Flood came, eight people turned out to be right, and MILLIONS WERE DEAD WRONG.
This faithful testimony of one who was warned and immediately acted to prepare, thereby condemning the whole world annd becoming heir of the righteousness that is by faith, ought to be EMULATED and RE-LIVED in these dark and troublesome times. For indeed, these days are as it was in the days of Noah: “They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day …” (Luke 17:27)