the perfect work of patience (james 1:4-5)
This message was preached by Pastor Jesse Boyd on December 1, 2024 to New Testament Christian Fellowship in Conover, NC. It exegetically addresses 1:4-5 in the larger exposition of the Epistle of James by the shared teaching of the NTCF Elders.
This message was preached by Pastor Jesse Boyd on November 24, 2024 to New Testament Christian Fellowship in Conover, North Carolina. It exegetically addresses 1:4-5 in the larger exposition of the Epistle of James by the shared teaching of the NTCF Elders and its missionaries.
The Old Testament counterpart to James’ perfect work of patience is “waiting on the LORD” or “resting in the LORD.” New Testament commentary on said work can be found in Romans 5:1-5. Patience has her perfect work when tribulation works patience, when patience grows experience, when experience increases hope, and when hope makes for testimony unashamed or contagious in others. As fear is a contagious virus, so is the perfect work of patience a contagious antidote. When we fail to allow that perfect work in and through the trying of our faith, we not only rob ourselves of the peaceable fruit of righteousness (Hebrews 12:11), we rob our brethren who are watching of that antidote (II Corinthians 1:4-5).
Genuine faith works when it is cultivated in trial, allowing patience to have her perfect work (1:4). That perfect work of patience is more easily endured when our faith is conditioned to acknowledge our lack (1:5a) and to readily ask the Lord for help (1:5b). Waiting upon the Lord and resting in Him isn’t stoic. It’s dynamic and involves a lot of acknowledging and asking. Of course, this message is one man preaching what he just lived in and through a trial of his faith that began on the side of a Montana highway and drug on for two long years. Patience indeed had her perfect work and yielded the peaceable fruit of righteousness, victory, and deliverance. Glory to God! He keeps His promises and gives wisdom liberally to those who ask, upbraiding not.