Looking at how the route has lately taken shape, one might say we have gone WAY OUT OF THE WAY. But, when hoofing across a continent, what is way out of the way? What does that even mean? If you have to walk several thousand miles anyway, what’s an extra 10 miles? 50 miles? or even 100 miles here and there?
Read MoreHeretofore, my daughter Bethany and I have walked approximately 385 miles from Cape Hatteras on North Carolina’s Outer Banks all the way to the junction of US Hwy 64 and Moons Chapel Road in Chatham County, smack dab in the middle of the state. It can thus be said that together we have walked HALFWAY ACROSS NORTH CAROLINA—along paved roads, dirt roads, fire roads, railroad tracks, National Forest trails, and even via two passenger ferries across open water.
Read MoreAlong last week’s 92 miles of rural highways and hedges, we had 67 Gospel encounters. Four Bibles and many, many Gospel tracts were distributed. We are still on the lookout for that first lost sheep from the House of Israel, but that will come in the Lord’s perfect timing. That brings the overall totals to 220 miles, 151 Gospel encounters, and 8 Bibles from the location of the old Cape Hatteras Lighthouse in Dare County, NC to the intersection of Willard Road & US Hwy 421 just over the line in Sampson County, NC.
Read MoreGreetings, beloved brethren. This update will be shorter than usual, for when I’m done, Bethany and I have to drive back down to Eastern North Carolina to resume The Long Walk. Lord willing, we will get in a few miles before dark. Last week was a fruitful week in this endeavor. Thanks to all who prayed for us and kept up with the journey. We logged close to 85 miles across three counties.
Read MoreGreetings, dear brethren, in the wonderful and matchless name of Jesus the Messiah, Yeshua HaMessiach, “which is our hope” (I Timothy 1:11). That is the NAME we were blessed to speak and preach to both Jew and Gentile in COUNTIES and on CAMPUSES during our recent itinerant circuit in Texas. Thanks to those of you who prayed for us.
Read MoreBack in 2009 when I rode my bicycle from the Continental United States to the tip-top of Alaska, a Christian brother in Alaska gave me a book from his library that he thought I might appreciate. Entitled The Long Walk, it details the incredible 1941 escape of the Polish author and six other prisoners from a Siberian gulag. These escaped through a hole in the fence during a terrible blizzard and literally walked more than 4,000 miles out of Siberia, through Mongolia’s Gobi Desert, over the Tibetan Plateau and the Himalayas, and down into British India . . .
Read MoreBack on January 6th, Eric and I, along with two brothers from his local church, had the great privilege of preaching Christ crucified and calling our country to repentance on the grounds of the United States Capitol. The FBI has yet to knock on my door, and I welcome them to do so. Many heard the Gospel that day.
Read MoreIn our everyday businesses, we are surrounded by people. They are souls who have been appointed a particular day to die and stand before the Lord in judgment (Hebrews 9:27). The question is: What are we doing as believers to reach them with the Good News that their sins can be forgiven?
Read MoreWe bed down tonight with no regrets whatsoever about the role the Lord had us play on the grounds of the United States Capitol today. Thanks to all of you who prayed for us. The Gospel was preached at THE PEOPLE’S HOUSE. The Word of God was preached at THE PEOPLE’S HOUSE. And, the nation, both the government and the people, were called to repentance at THE PEOPLE’S HOUSE.
Read MoreDespite everything that has transpired this year to throw a monkey wrench into a whole lot of ministry plans for a whole lot of Christian folks, we rejoice that FPGM was able, by God’s grace, to spend a good month on the ground down in Colombia and travel more than 25,000 miles to and fro across the United States for the Word of God and the Testimony of Jesus the Messiah. A surprising number of Hebrew Bibles (OT and NT) were put into the hands of Jewish folks, and many Gentiles were confronted with the Gospel message in 2020. We praise God.
Read MoreIn the birth narratives of Jesus Christ found in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke, there are some unsung details and unsung heroes that deserve our attention these dark days. And these examples, I believe, can and should strengthen us to stand strong.
Read MoreIt was a long drive back to North Carolina from the West Coast since our last newsletter; but by the grace of Almighty God, we made it . . . just in time for an incredible Thanksgiving gathering with about 50 of our local brothers and sisters in Christ. This gathering definitely defied the wishes of North Carolina’s Caesar, uhh, I mean Governor. And it definitely was a superspreader, a SUPERSPREADER OF GRATITUDE & JOY.
Read MoreGreetings, beloved brethren. I’m sorry you haven’t heard from me in a long while. Eric Trent and I, along with my daughter Bethany, have been on the road since Labor Day, and so far, it’s 10,000+ miles and counting. Currently, we are in California, and Lord willing, we hope to be back in North Carolina by Thanksgiving. Your continued prayers and support are coveted and much appreciated.
Read MoreYou would think we Christians would actually learn Israel’s lessons and apply what we have learned when times get tough. After all, says the Apostle Paul, these things were “written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come” (I Corinthians 10:11). They are a WARNING to us. We say we trust the LORD, but instead, do we not really fear man and take matters into our own hands with our MANY INVENTIONS?
Read MoreMy friends, there is no greater arrogance or high-mindedness than for a generation that doesn’t value or even know its history, and certainly hasn’t learned from it, to stand in judgment of those more righteous than they who faced very difficult and complex circumstances in a very different day and time, to stand in pious judgment by simplifying what was very complex and difficult at the time to understand. I believe the greatest sin of America today is the same sin that germinated Sodom’s destruction: “pride, fulness of bread, and abundance of idleness” (Ezekiel 16:49). And these things produced ABOMINATION.
Read MoreOne morning, not long ago, I was continuing my reading through the Spanish Old Testament, one chapter at a time. With a good cup of coffee in an old "I Love Cats" (I do actually) mug and a homemade yogurt recipe with chia seeds and fresh blueberries from our bushes, I came to Isaiah 50, my Spanish chapter for the day. And therein, I found great comfort for these dark days.
Read MoreAmerica is a train wreck right now, and undoubtedly, like for me, many of your plans have been trainwrecked these past couple of months. Maybe your future plans, like mine, are trainwrecked for the summer. Is it possible that God sometimes wrecks our ministry plans to minister to us or even to do something as simple water a widow’s garden? Perhaps an answer can be found in this newsletter that I pray proves a blessing to you in spiritually dark times. When there is societal trainwreck, what Christians need to do, instead of lining up with agitators on one side of the tracks or the other . . . what we need to do is PAUSE and REFLECT, just what we would assuredly do the moments after watching a train wreck in real time.
Read MoreThankfully, two thousand years of church history teaches loudly that crisis presents a unique window of opportunity for revival, a unique opportunity where ears are more apt to hear the Gospel, even in an insane asylum run by the inmates. We saw and experienced this ourselves along a nearly 10,000-mile preaching and seed-sowing circuit that started back on March 2, before Covid became a problem and things started shutting down. By the time we reached California, the shopping malls had slammed shut. But before that, as fearful talks of closings and shutdowns became commonplace, God’s Divine Hand of Providence put us in exactly the right spot at exactly the right time on numerous occasions.
Read MoreWinter is coming to a close in 2020, and manifest destiny again calls! Early Monday morning, Eric Trent and I will heed that call—Go West Young Man! For the next two months, we will be traveling out to the Pacific Ocean and back, completing another preaching circuit that will inevitably involve Hebrew Scripture distribution in shopping malls, some college campus preaching, and outreach to hikers, backpackers, and climbers on a variety of trails and crags.
Read MoreGreetings, beloved brethren. I have returned home from a fruitful missionary journey in Colombia. The Trents are also back in the States for a short time as the secondary season for Israeli backpackers in Colombia is pretty much finished and the primary season won’t start up again until late summer. Over the 3 weeks that we were together, we drove a 750-mile circuit over crazy roads and visited such backpacker hotspots as Medillin and Gautape. We also spent some good time on the streets of Bogota.
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