the dry season

I write now concerning the dry season here in Nepal. From June through September, the country is inundated with heavy rains making it difficult to do anything. There are mudslides throughout the country and all of the trails that lace the mountainsides are too slippery to do much hiking or travel. For the remainder of the year, however, Nepal is almost completely deprived of rain, so the trails are nice and dry. This is great for all of the tourists.

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2015, jewish outreachFPGM
occupy till I come

Undoubtedly, many of you heard or sang an old familiar carol by Isaac Watts at some point during this Christmastime: Joy to the world, the Lord is come. Let earth receive her King . . . Do you realize that this song was not actually written about Jesus' birth but about His second coming? Just read the words of the verses. The world can get pretty sentimental about a little baby Jesus in a manger, but it despises any thought of His return, His reign, and His judgment. And, concerning these things, the churches can be so apathetic. Yet, praise be unto God: The Lord Jesus Christ WILL reign over this earth, both physically and bodily, a stone cut without hands that becomes a mighty mountain, grinding even the greatest of manmade kingdoms to wind-driven chaff (Daniel 2:34-35).

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a quick report

I am very sorry that it has been so many moons since I have posted to FPGM's Travel Blog, or since you all have heard from me with regard to the recent and ongoing work in South Asia. Back on November 14th, my family and I safely returned from Delhi, and I immediately went to preach a four-day revival at my original sending church in Creedmoor, North Carolina. It was a good time, but needless to say, we finally arrived home exhausted; and it has taken some time to get back on some semblance of a schedule.

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2014, team yeshuaFPGM
fearful buddhism

After going to the Scripture about this matter with him, he committed to being baptized by immersion in obedience to God's command, "not the putting away of the filth of the flesh, but the answer of a good conscience toward God" (I Peter 3:21). Later, we found a suitable place outside of the city, the same secret spot where some Buddhist monks had been baptized into the faith several years earlier.

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2014, ends of the earthFPGM
for they shall all know me

Greetings in the name of our beloved Savior, Jesus Christ. We could really use your prayers right now as FPGM is on the verge of jumpstarting a long-term ministry to Israeli backpackers in Nepal. Sharing Christ with the Jewish people has become top priority as God prepares them for the Messiah’s return. As I perceived while laboring down in South America for the first six months of 2013, one of the greatest times to reach Israelis with the Gospel is during early adulthood when they are fresh out of conscripted military service and trying to figure out life.

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no rock like our GOD

Greetings from top of the World in the Name of it's Creator! Indeed, there is no Rock like our God. He is faithful and listens to our prayers and answers it in His ways which are above our ways, beyond our imagination--as in the story of Hannah and Samuel. Such was also the case during our last trip to Nepal's Far West back in the month of May.

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2014, project jagernaFPGM
anticipation is making me late

Yes, my friends, it's falling all around us; but that which falls can only plummet, as foretold, UNTO the consummation of all things when "At the name of Jesus every knee shall bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father" (Philippians 2:10-11). Oh, the ANTICIPATION (Isaiah 64:1).

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2014, jewish outreachFPGM
open doors in south africa & namibia

Peace be with you, our beloved brethren. Thanks for all your prayers and support directed toward this ministry as we strive to GO, STAND, and SPEAK the Gospel of Jesus Christ before both Jew and Gentile, anywhere and everywhere around the world. Truly, I had a blessed and fruitful time of labor in Southern Africa with Brother Ricky back in March, and Ricky, in turn, enjoyed a blessed and fruitful six months of ministry in that corner of the world.

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God's blessings or the world's dainties

Recent rumblings in the life of FPGM have prompted me to ponder the nature of genuine blessing from God versus worldly dainties often erringly identified as the Lord's blessings. Is rapid expansion, a spacious office, a bureaucratic hierarchy, and a huge financial support network necessarily evidence of God's blessing upon a missions ministry? Is sudden growth with full pews, a large ministerial staff, a plethora of programs, and abundant tithes and offerings necessarily evidence of God's blessing upon a church?

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2014, jewish outreachFPGM
a blessed year of ministry in nepal

Greetings, dear brethren, in the name of the Most High God. Full Proof Gospel Ministries just received this year-end correspondence from Brother Bishnu concerning the front-line work we helped to start and continue to support in Nepal, a land of high mountains and many, many people who have never heard the biblical Gospel of the LORD Jesus Christ. I pray you are encouraged thereby. Please continue to pray for this work and join us in prayer as we seek an open door to return to South Asia and Nepal in the coming months.

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2014, project jagernaFPGM
blessed be the name of the LORD

Blessed be the name of the Lord, Baruch haShem Adonoi. Greetings in the name of our Lord and our God, Jesus Christ. (John 20:28). It is with great joy that I write to you all and give testimony concerning the past two months of ministry. One of the local pastors that we have labored alongside in Bangladesh was able to come to the United States for training in evangelism and to testify of Jesus’ blood and righteousness. We traveled in a giant loop around the whole country, preaching together to students on the American college campuses and people on the city streets.

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we could use your help!

I rejoice to announce that our college campus preaching tour and our time training Pastor James from Bangladesh here on American soil has been fulfilled. In six weeks, we traveled more than 9,500 miles overland and preached the Gospel of Jesus Christ at 25 university campuses.

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go tell 'em!

Greetings, precious brethren, in the eternally glorious name of the Lord Jesus Christ. All the great kings, princes, billionaires, prime ministers, and presidents of man will bow before His feet! There is a dear family from Kodiak, Alaska that regularly supports this ministry. Each time we receive a support check from them, I find these words inscribed in the memo space: "Go Tell 'Em!" That convicting exhortation came to my mind this morning as I pondered our upcoming college campus preaching tour. The strategy is simple, the game plan is sound: Go Tell 'Em!

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that He might have mercy upon all

Dear brothers and sisters, I’d like to take some time and share with you about how God has been working near and far these past few months. We can see through the Scriptures that God has revealed His righteousness in the faith of Jews and the faith of Gentiles alike.

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2013, jewish outreachFPGM
reaching the nations

I just received a fascinating ministry report from Brother Bishnu in pdf format. We praise God for the bold Great Commission work that is being done there in Nepal; and we thank Him for the provision of the Jeep that some of you helped Full Proof Gospel Ministries to purchase several months ago.

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2013, ends of the earthFPGM
way down south

I am still trying to recuperate and adjust to this hot humidity in North Carolina after spending five weeks way down south in the middle of the austral winter. One afternoon, Ricky Springer and I were slogging along a deserted highway at 15,000 ft. on the Chile/Bolivia border in the face of snow flurries and an icy wind. Three days later, we were sweating it out on the tarmac in Miami, Florida.

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pray for the laborers in nepal

Below is word from Brother Bishnu in Nepal. The prayer request is serious. This preaching trip in the jeep we purchased for them a few months back will be risky during the monsoon season. Please lift these brothers up. If you folks in Catawba County thought the torrential rain and flooding we had a couple weeks ago was bad, that is par for the course in Nepal this time of year. Sometimes, you will have a village on a hillside one minute, the next minute it is gone--mudslide. At other times, village on the river one minute, gone the next--avalanche somewhere up in the mountains. These brothers are bold and are doing good work. They need our support and prayers.

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2013, project jagernaFPGM
an inheritance from nepal

Greetings in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ! The day is coming when Messiah will take possession of an inheritance, that which is rightfully His: an inheritance of all nations, an inheritance of the heathen, even in uttermost corners like Nepal. In that day, when a literal physical Jesus Christ returns to set up an earthly Kingdom to rule and reign for a thousand years and to fulfill all prophecy, God the Father says of His Son regarding that inheritance: "Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron; thou shalt dash them in pieces like a potter's vessel" (Psalm 2:9). Those are the days of judgment. But, praise God, now are the days of salvation; and Christ is gathering unto Himself an inheritance of grace at uttermost corners even before He comes to rule with righteousness and a rod of iron.

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2013, project jagernaFPGM
seasons of ministry

There are many irksome aspects of American Churchianity, not the least of which is the existence of a whole slough of Christian "ministries" named after the men who founded them, unconnected to local church bodies, and/or bound to a predictable program that leaves no room for changing seasons and the guiding hand of Providence. With Full Proof Gospel Ministries, may these things, by God's grace and mercy, never be!

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victory in the LORD

Well, God gave us a booth at Lalitpur Trade Show from March 28-April 3, 2013. We gave out more than 10,000 Project Jagerna Gospels of John and many thousands of tracts during that week. The main victory was that the local tribal people, Newaris, the most religious and orthodox Hindus, were reached in this outreach program. These people generally do not accept tracts in their area, but they took them at that show. Also, the great thing was that the Lord helped us to preach and give out the Gospel from a temple porch, right there in the presence of the idols.

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2013, project jagernaFPGM