the work continues

PARAMESHWAR (i.e. Nepali for “One True God”) IS NOT RELIGION . . . THE BIBLE IS NOT RELIGION . . . YESHU MASHIHA (Nepali for “Jesus the Messiah) IS NOT RELIGION . . . and so we continue to preach and declare openly here in Nepal and throughout South Asia. Thanks for all your prayers, and for those who have and continue to support us financially, the fruit is yours. You have sown; we are reaping; and the day comes when “both he that soweth and he that reapeth may rejoice together” (John 4:36).

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two weeks in southeast asia

Malaysia and Indonesia are closed Muslim countries where problems can arise for believers that seek to preach the Gospel to Muslims. To protect the security of local believers and foreign workers with whom we labored, I will not mention names or other customary details. Nevertheless, know that the Word of God went forth boldly, and, as is FPGM’s practice, we pushed the envelope in terms of public proclamation.

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a simple missions strategy

Much has transpired here in Kathmandu over the past 3 weeks as we have secured a place to live and have actively come alongside Bishnu Shrestha, FPGM's national partner, in the open-air preaching of the Gospel and mass distribution of Gospel tracts and Scripture portions.

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2011, project jagernaFPGM
a chapter ends, another begins

Alas, one chapter of this extended missionary journey has come to a close, and another has begun. Even still, the Lord continues to make provision and abundant opportunity arises to proclaim with boldness the unadulterated Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. Many miles have been traveled, and the Word of God has been preached in scores of places since my last post. The work in Southern Africa came to a climactic conclusion, and now, the work in South Asia has commenced. To God be the glory!

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2011, africa, project jagernaFPGM
leaving america

Well, the time has come for us to leave America and go and make known His salvation to the nations. On Monday morning (May 23), Ricky Springer and I will be leaving North Carolina. After a day in New York City open-air preaching at Union Square with a Jewish brother in Christ and some hours preparing a large supply of Bibles and Gospel materials for transport, we will board the flight for Johannesburg, South Africa.

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2011, africaFPGM
cause for rejoicing

Much has transpired since my last post almost two months ago, and there is, I say, cause for rejoicing: not only for what hath been, but for what is, and for what, according to the will of the Lord, is to come.

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Having just returned to North Carolina after a long, long journey, a word comes to mind as I consider all that has recently taken place and look forward to the year ahead: FULNESS. FULNESS is the measure of my joy and gladness as I reflect upon the 10,000 miles of driving, the public preaching of the Gospel that took place on 22 college campuses, in 25 cities, and at Hoover Dam; and the sweet fellowship that FPGM enjoyed with other faithful brethren called to “Cry aloud, spare not, lift up thy voice like a trumpet, and shew my people their transgression” (Isaiah 58:1).

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out west campus preaching tour

With more than 6,500 miles of driving behind us since leaving Vale, NC on October 29, we have been able to target 16 college campuses and numerous other public forums out West with the glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ. Many have heard the Word of God, and the Truth has been preached.

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upbraiding america

Greetings, fellow believers, prayer partners, and friends. I awake to a gorgeous sunrise over the silhouettes of the mountains just south of Albuquerque, New Mexico, having traveled 2,600 miles since leaving the confines of Vale, NC back on October 29th. Thank you for your prayers: much has transpired to the glory of God, and a hedge of protection has surrounded our work. Many miles, much preaching, sorrow for the state of America, spiritual highs and lows, demonic oppression, weariness . . . please keep praying.

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to the west, from the west

This evening, I and two Christian brothers head west, making a beeline for Laramie, Wyoming. Lord willing, we will rendezvous with Shawn Holes ( at the University of Wyoming at 11:30am, just in time for the class change. Thus will begin a solid month of preaching the Gospel on college campuses, culminating, Lord willing, at the Boise State / Utah State football game in Boise, Idaho on December 4th. Please pray for us: that the Lord would open a door of utterance.

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the sinful kingdom

After nine straight days of open-air preaching at local festivals and college campuses here in the heart of America’s Bible Belt, I mourn for our nation and its churches. Things are far worse than I had imagined. The Bible Belt holds up the pants of hypocrisy in America; fellow “Christians” seem the greatest enemy of those that would share their faith openly; student ministries on college campuses mock biblical truth; police bully, intimidate, and videotape Christian witnesses; middle class college students tout communism, desecrate the American flag, and openly fancy anti-semitism and shariah law; so-called “Christians” boast in their sin, “turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ” (Jude 4).

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summer's curtain call

I am very grateful for all the faithful brothers and sisters in Christ who have kept up with us these 7+ years. Your prayers and support have been an impetus to keep preaching the Gospel, and by God’s grace, we will never cease. The only thing that is changing is the way we’ll go about getting word out to you.

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Back in May and June, we drove 6,692 miles, taking the Gospel of Jesus Christ all the way up through Quebec, across Labrador, down Newfoundland’s West Coast, over to Prince Edward Island, and back through New England with Bishnu Shrestha, FPGM’s national partner from Nepal. In my last update, I wrote of our adventures on the Labrador. Allow me to continue the tale.

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2010, ends of the earthFPGM
the lure of the labrador wild

Over the next couple of email updates, I will attempt to recap what the Lord did this summer in Labrador & Newfoundland, up on Prince Edward Island, amongst Nepali communities here in the States, and in terms of local outreach. I pray these stories will edify and exhort unto steadfastness in the Gospel of Jesus Christ amidst perilous times about which the Scriptures forewarn (II Timothy 3:1-7; 4:1-5).

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2010, ends of the earthFPGM
home again

It has been six weeks since my daughter and I met up with Bishnu in Pennsylvania and headed north. A little over three weeks ago, we rendezvoused with my wife and remaining children in Canada’s Maritimes. A few short days ago, having added 6,692 miles to my vehicle’s odometer (900 miles of which were on gravel road), the Lord brought us safely home. Though hot and humid here in North Carolina, it’s good to be home. And, it’s sweet to reflect upon what the Lord has done and how He has answered your prayers and mine regarding another missionary journey to the end of the road, to uttermost corners.

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2010, ends of the earthFPGM
prayers coveted

Lord willing, Bethany and I will leave here on Wednesday morning, bound for New York City. There, I’ll pick up Bishnu, with Canadian visa, hopefully, in hand; and we’ll make a beeline north to Montreal and then up through Quebec City and along Route 389 to the Trans-Labrador Highway (approximately 700 miles of gravel that eventually intersects with the pavement along the Labrador Coast). All along the way, as our custom is, we’ll be seizing opportunity to proclaim Jesus Christ in the streets and lanes of the cities and the highways and hedges, distributing the Word of God and Gospel tracts unto another uttermost end of the road system.

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sweet reminiscence, part 2

Well, I am finally getting out Part 2 of the update that I began more than a month ago. Again, I apologize for the negligence in this matter. Things have been very busy around here as we continue to become accustomed to a larger family and another newborn. Mom and baby have done well, and we are finally getting a little more sleep at night. Thanks for all your prayers in the matter of Josiah McCandless’ home-birth.

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