from surf city to raleigh

We are still in Raleigh, NC and difficulties seem to be arising by the minute that are delaying our progress. At least this is how things appear from a human perspective. However, the Holy Word of God makes it plain that our thoughts are not God's thoughts and our ways are not his ways--his thoughts and ways are much higher (Isaiah 55:8).

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2003, bicycle journeysFPGM
a young man comes to Christ

It has been really hot the last couple of days and not many people have been out on the streets to preach to. Nevertheless, God has given us numerous opportunities to share the blessed Gospel with people we seem to "accidentally" come in contact with. On Tuesday, we were able to lead a young man to Christ down on the Neuse River where I had stopped to take a quick swim.

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2003, bicycle journeysFPGM
it begins

Greetings everyone in the name of the Most High God. Tomorrow morning, we will be leaving Hickory, NC and heading for the Atlantic Coast somewhere near Wilmington, NC. On Sunday morning, I plan to stand on the beach with my feet in the water of the Atlantic Ocean and publicly preach the Gospel to the crowds of sunbathing folks who are not spending the Lord's Day in church. Then, I plan to mount my bike and begin pedaling west: Final Destination = Neah Bay, Washington and the Pacific Ocean.

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2003, bicycle journeysFPGM
heading east

Jamie and I are in Washington State and will be leaving Wednesday morning so as to make our way back east for the embarkation of Coast to Coast 2003. For all of you who have supported (through your thoughts, prayers, and/or financial gifts) Full Proof Gospel Ministries and our endeavor to take the Gospel of Jesus Christ from one end of this country to the other, THANK-YOU!

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2003, bicycle journeysFPGM