brethren, pray for us
Walking with the Cross on US 20 East of Cody, Wyoming
Greetings brothers and sisters in Christ!
I trust your worship of Him has been strong and refreshing during these spiritually dark days. Through His divine and providential hand, we have a multitude of graces for which to be thankful. All of us who have, according to God’s lovingkindness and mercy, been granted repentance and faith in Christ can praise His name for the peace in which we now rest (Romans 5:1). Therefore, let us stand alongside the words of the Apostle Paul:
“And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by Him” (Colossians 3:17).
There is much to be thankful for in Christ!
I do want to express my gratitude to all of the saints who are currently, and faithfully have been, interceding before the Lord on our behalf concerning the GROSS INJUSTICE we still currently face out of Madison County, Montana. I will decline at this time from sharing an excessive amount of detail, but I must say this: YOUR FERVENT PRAYERS ARE INVALUABLE, WORTH MORE THAN ALL THE WORLD’S GREATEST RICHES. I think of Paul’s simple and yet powerful request to the Church at Thessalonica: “Brethren, pray for us” (I Thessalonians 5:25). It’s a simple entreaty and yet absolutely essential to the work of ministry. The missionary cannot operate properly without the prayers of the saints. In that same spirit, I implore you all: please continue to go to the Lord for us regarding this matter. We desire deliverance from the snares of these wicked powers which have snagged or labors. As discouraging as it can be to deal with it all, we are still in the Lord’s care; and our greatest desire is His glory. We hope this glorification will be through the stumbling and confounding of these wicked men who have attempted to extinguish the light of the Gospel being preached. Regardless of what happens, we know we can stand firm on that wonderful promise written to us in God’s Word:
“And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren” (Romans 8:28-29).
Our next court hearing is March 22nd. We trust the Lord’s perfect will be done. God’s last name is NOT damn, as was blasphemously spewed by the Madison County Sheriffs Deputies who arrested us. His name is GOD ALMIGHTY, the Sovereign over all! We stand and proclaim along with King David, as he declared before the congregation in Israel:
“Thine O Lord, is the greatness, and the power, and the glory, and the victory, and the majesty: for all that is in the heaven and in the earth is thine; thine is the kingdom, O Lord, and thou art exalted as head above all” (I Chronicles 29:11).
This trial of our faith, which we ought NOT to think a strange occurrence (I Peter 4:12), is from the hand of the Lord. God is the refiner who tries the faith of His elect for His intended glory and purpose. Therefore we must rejoice. At the end of the day, we are His adopted children in Christ; and we can cast all our care upon Him and rest in His sovereignty.
In my last post (December 19), I promised a recap of some of our time spent on the last leg of #thelongwalkusa, before we were unjustly arrested and charged for simply defending ourselves from a rabid mongrel who cursed God, cursed us for walking into Montana, and physically assaulted Jesse Boyd. I apologize that I am quite late in fulfilling this promise. I am a very slow writer. As you may know, our walking route took us through Yellowstone National Park back in October. In order to get there, we needed to enter the East Entrance of the park, and that path brought us through the town of Cody via US Hwy 14/16/20. We would become very familiar with this highway, as we would walk it for more than 70 miles to reach the east entrance. I remember we were concerned about finding a place to lay our heads those nights as we progressed toward and through the town of Cody. There were no shelters or city parks to safely crash, and paying to stay the night somewhere was far too expensive. We simply laid this need at the Lord’s feet, took up the cross and flags, and began walking. OUR FAITH IS SO VERY WEAK, but I am thankful for the bountiful grace and strength God bestows upon us when days are uncertain.
Casting a Shadow on US HWY 14/16/20 in Northwest Wyoming
As a result of obediently pressing forward, the Lord graciously provided places for us to comfortably and safety lay our heads. We came in contact with a husband and wife who loved the Lord and lived just southwest of town. They demonstrated to us wonderful hospitality and opened their home to us, complete strangers, for a few nights. We have been in contact and remained in close friendship with them ever since. The second place was a small camper that was also just outside of Cody on the Yellowstone side. This camper was owned by a young family who professed to be Catholic. We shared our testimony with them regarding our walk across America, preaching Christ Jesus as the ONLY object of our faith. We left Gospel material with them before we departed. Glory to God! Our hearts were filled with thanksgiving to Him for providing for our needs and ordaining opportunity to share the truth.
While walking toward Cody, I remember meeting a man named Dave who stopped off the side of the road to speak with us. Dave was Amish at one point in his life. After stepping away, he had become extremely mystical. I listened to his “testimony” of how he had been delivered from various demons that were crawling around and tormenting him. He explained how it took him being baptized multiple times to finally find deliverance from them. I believe it was the fifth or sixth baptism that finally “worked.” All of this was according to his own account. However, I remember one PERSON was strangely and completely absent from Dave’s “testimony.” Peter boldly declared salvation in that name ALONE before the Jewish counsel before whom he and John stood:
“Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved” (Acts 4:12).
Never once did Dave mention the name of Christ. In fact, when I brought up the Name above every name and began to speak about faith in Him alone to be saved, Dave began to squirm with discomfort. Dave was still receptive and received a few pieces of Gospel material from us before he left. I marveled at how the simplicity of the Gospel is so offensive to the self-righteous man. We desperately want to DO something to save ourselves.
“For they being ignorant of God’s righteousness, and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God” (Romans 10:2).
The Lord’s manner of salvation confounds our own. We will never be justified in the eyes of God by any righteous work on our part. Christ accomplished all things at the cross!
“When Jesus therefore had received vinegar, He said, It is finished: and He bowed His head, and gave up the ghost” (John 19:30).
“Knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law, but by the faith of Jesus Christ, even we have believed in Jesus Christ, that we might be justified by the faith of Christ, and not by the works of the law: for by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified” (Galatians 2:16).
The walking route climbed west out of Cody toward the East Entrance of Yellowstone NP.
Jesse walks through the long, narrow, and dangerous Buffalo Bill Tunnel west of Cody.
Fast forward to our arrival at Yellowstone. The first day in the park was October 11th, and we left the park for the last time on October 29th. Our hearts were set upon walking through this oldest of America’s national parks from the very beginning of the walk. The day had finally arrived, and we planned to spend a great deal of time walking a giant loop and declaring the Gospel to both workers and visitors. As I mentioned earlier, we entered at the East Entrance; then we walked down to the South Entrance and later connected and exited for good at the West Entrance. Yellowstone was literally SATURATED with the Gospel. Tracts were given out, copies of God’s Word were distributed, and that old rugged cross was seen by many eyes. All praise to the Lord.
We did have one encounter with federal law enforcement only a few miles after we entered the park, up at Sylvan Pas. Unlike the sheriffs department who dealt very TREACHEROUSLY with us in Madison County, Montana, these officers were extremely kind and inquisitive. They had genuine questions regarding what exactly we were doing, and we were nothing but cooperative with them. They merely inquired whether we had a place to stay as we walked through the park, and wanted to make sure we had sufficient gear and supplies. These were genuine concerns. We explained how our support vehicle follows us and that we would staying each night with an old friend of ours who is a park ranger. Those two officers received gospel tracts and encouraged us to give them a call if we had any problems. They also promised to put our information out over dispatch so all park law enforcement would know that we would be walking through the park for several days. It was a great encounter, quite unlike the gestapo in Madison County.
We finally walking into Yellowstone National Park on a gorgeous moonlit night.
26 Miles In
We gave Gospel tracts to scores of people we met while walking both the road and trail systems within Yellowstone. Candy was a motorcyclist from Oregon who spoke with us for a few moments. She was riding across the country with her husband. We told her about our walk preaching repentance toward God and faith in Christ. She received a tract before roaring off down the road. Later, there was a group of park workers cutting down some fallen timber off the side of the road. They had all gathered together off to one end. It happened to be the side I was walking. I prayed and asked the Lord that it would be a fruitful encounter. In answer to that, it was. The entire group gladly received Gospel tracts. Another day, there were a few ladies who were also from North Carolina. They enjoyed speaking with us about the Lord and gratefully received tracts themselves. These had been stopped in the road due to some bison crossing, and when they discovered we had begun the walk from Cape Hatteras, they were thrilled, as this was relatively close to their home! It was a joyous encounter.
While walking up through Hayden Valley, I remember speaking with a young man named Liam who had travelled to the States from the U.K, just to see Yellowstone. He asked if I needed a ride, to which I replied that it was not necessary. We spoke for a moment about Christ, and he was glad to receive a tract. Immediately, a young lady who worked in maintenance for the park stopped to speak with me. She had heard of some people walking with a cross and flag through Yellowstone and was excited to see one of us and eagerly asked about our message. Her name was Kay. It was an immediate open door to speak about the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ.
There were people ripe for the Gospel, even in the backcountry. One day we hiked down to Shoshone Lake, intending to connect the route south to the South Entrance of the park. On the trail, we met a woman from Canada who had bravely camped alone in the wilderness for a few nights. After a word about Christ, she received a tract for her travels. Also on that same hike, we met a group of young men from a few different states (Utah, Colorado, and Washington) who were fishing in the Lewis River. The funny thing is, we had to take our boots off and CROSS that cold river to reach the trail on the other end where they were congregating. When we approached them, they thought we were kidding around when we told them we were walking across America, via the backcountry trails of Yellowstone! When we unpacked more detail about our journey, the locations we had walked through, and the miles we had recorded, they suddenly realized it was not a joke. All of those guys were receptive to receiving tracts. It was incredibly providential for us to run into them at just the right time, literally in the middle of nowhere and far from a road. I marvel at the sovereign hand of God.
Our walking route took us far out into the Yellowstone backcountry and around the remote Shoshone Lake, still we had Gospel encounters.
It was not pleasant crossing the marshes around Shoshone Lake on such a cold day.
You have to be prepared to cross a lot of creeks in the Yellowstone backcountry.
I met a young man named Chris while walking by Old Faithful. He was from Gatlinburg, Tennessee and worked as a chef in the park. Chris was walking back to his living quarters after a long day of work. He seemed rather curious to see a guy carrying a cross toward the Old Faithful parking lot. This was understandable, a strange site indeed. Chris and I had a good conversation about spiritual things. He was fairly conservative in his beliefs and firmly against the abominable practices of homosexuality and transgenderism, filthy plagues that has taken over our nation today. This encounter was just another example of how short conservative ideology falls in the eyes of the Lord. Chris was far from knowing God. Without Jesus Christ, all our morals, good works, and conservative values are filthy rags before Him (Isaiah 64:6). We are truly helpless without a Savior. This was Chris’s opportunity to be pointed to Christ, Who is the end and fulfillment of the law (Romans 10:4). Chris received a New Testament during this encounter. We bade each-other farewell and parted ways. My friends, we are indeed helpless without a Saviour but only hopeless if there is no Saviour. Hallelujah, there is a Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ!
Chef Chris from Gatlinburg, Tennessee
Again, the divine hand of providence never ceases to amaze me. Our local church in North Carolina blessed us by flying our wives out to walk with us through the Yellowstone ara. We had not seen one another for a long time, and our reunion was very refreshing. We had some wonderful encounters for the Gospel while Mindy and Jamie were alongside. One of these was with a Jewish woman in West Yellowstone. Our sights are continually aimed at finding that elusive, yet inevitable, encounter with a lost sheep from the house of Israel. Each morning, we customarily pray that the God of Israel would lead such a one into our path. This particular day, Jesse and Bethany were walking a long section of the Grand Loop Road and Firehole Canyon Road inside the park. Our goal was to connect the route to the West Entrance and thus conclude our time in Yellowstone. The Lord granted them several good encounters along the way. The Grand Loop Road sees a lot of traffic throughout the day of both workers and visitors. While they were doing this, I was in town with Mindy and Jamie, helping them find a few souvenirs to take back family and friends. Their return flight out of Jackson Hole would be early the next morning.
Long story short, we entered one of the tourist shops still open at that late date and began browsing. The owner was talking on her phone behind the checkout counter, and I heard a language that I immediately recognized—Hebrew! Though I already knew the answer, I still broke the ice with Leora by asking where she was born. Sure enough, she was Israeli by birth and currently residing with her family in Florida. The main tourist season in West Yellowstone was almost over, so she would be packing up and leaving for Florida soon. Leora confessed she believed there is a God and a Messiah, though she knew Him not or even His name. This was still an encouraging bridge! I lifted up the SPECIFIC name of Yeshua (Jesus in Hebrew) and revealed to Leora that our faith was in Him and Him alone. He has come once already, and in perfect obedience to the will of His Father, He became sin for us and was crucified, buried, and rose up in victory the third day in fullfillment of the Jewish Scriptures. We told her that THIS Messiah would indeed return again in power and glory. Leora received both a tract and a New Testament in Hebrew. God alone be praised for this divine appointment with a daughter of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
“For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:” (I Corinthians 15:3-4).
Leora was so kind and receptive to the truth. God’s Word never returns void.
Walking with my wife in Yellowstone was such a joy!
I pray these testimonies bring encouragement to the Lord’s Church. Our hope is He has been glorified in this work, through the bearing of the cross, preaching repentance, and pointing people to the only object of faith that can save them: the wonderful name of Jesus. Though we currently face a trial of our faith, it has been a blessing to be home with our families and church during this time. Watching my children grow each day and learn spiritual disciplines, like prayer to the Lord and Scripture memorization, has been an incredible blessing as a father. I am so thankful for my family and having time to spend in their discipleship these past few months.
Blessed to be a Husband and a Father
Being home has also presented several opportunities to preach Christ on the streets here in Catawba County, sometimes alone and sometimes with brothers from our local church.When we grab a handful of Gospel tracts and Bibles, then go to the Lord in prayer and ask Him to be glorified, something wonderful always happens. One day, I met a man named Mr. Salt who owns a barbershop in downtown Newton. Mr. Salt also serves the Lord in ministry at his church. We had a great time of fellowship sitting outside his little shop. He promised to lift up FPGM to the Lord concerning the false charges we face. Another day, I ventured to downtown Hickory with a brother from our church. He and I gave out several tracts to people we met. It was a very fruitful night of evangelizing. We spoke with two young men who had far too much alcohol to drink. Yet, they received from us copies of God’s Word and some discipleship material. At first, Jesse and Jose didn’t seem too interested in the things of the Lord. As the conversation progressed, however, they saw how serious we were concerning their need to put away sin and trust in Christ. It’s almost as if we could see them sober up. They were very moved and thankful that we would stop and speak with them regarding eternity. It was a very good encounter, and it certainly seemed to us that the seed of the Gospel fell on good ground. May it bring forth fruit. All glory to God!
Enjoying Fellowship with Mr. Salt in Downtown Newton, NC
Jesse & Jose received copies of God’s Word in downtown Hickory.
I suppose I should wrap things up. I pray this post encourages the Body of Christ. The victory we have in Him is sure and absolute. Let it motivate us to go and live for Him. Also if it be His will, for us to lay our lives down for Him. I always find great comfort in meditating on that passage of Scripture in Paul’s Epistle to the church at Corinth:
“O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory? The sting of death is sin; and the strength of sin is the law. But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord” (I Corinthians 15:55-58).
Amen. All praise to the Christ of God! Thank you dear brothers and sisters for your continued prayer and support of these efforts. We have every intention of resuming #thelongwalkusa, from the VERY SPOT which it was sabotaged. And, Lord willing, that will be very soon as the Montana snows begin to melt. The Lord’s hand put a pause to it for His purpose, and we trust His hand will open the door wide for us to resume this Spring. Again, in closing, please continue to go to the Lord for us regarding this unjust charges we face in Montana. May these false and absurd charges be dropped. May the wicked men who have set themselves against us be held accountable, repent, and fall at the feet of the Lord. May we not be separated from our families and churches due to these wicked schemes. Above all, may the name of Christ continue to be lifted up before the nations through us.
We rejoice knowing that testimonies like that described above, and the like over 5,543 miles of walking across 17 states and 210 counties are the LOUDEST PROOF that the false charges brought against our team (who were threatened and attacked by a complete stranger along a rural highway on 11/12/22) are ABSOLUTELY RIDICULOUS and motivated by those who hate the Cross of the Lord Jesus Christ and hate those who preach it. Christian persecution in America is real. Nevertheless, #TheLongWalkUSA will continue from the very spot it was sabotaged ... until the feet and the cross that got wet in the Atlantic get wet in the waters of the Pacific. To God be the glory. Maranatha!
In Christ alone,
Eric Trent