the man in the truck
One of our Very First Witnessing Encounters on #TheLongWalkUSA
This kind gentleman was one of the very first encounters we had on #TheLongWalkUSA. It was March 1, 2021, the very first day of the walk. A couple of miles from the starting line on the North Carolina beach where the old Cape Hatteras Lighthouse used to stand, Bethany and I walked up to a flooded section of road where the water was a bit deep. This truck, bearing a Confederate flag, pulled alongside of us—our very first encounter with a motorist who pulled up to engage. There would be many such engagements thereafter, the most recent a guy in truck along a Montana Highway who cussed us out, threatened us, and got out of his vehicle to attack. But not so with this fisherman in a truck bearing a Confederate flag. He asked what we were doing. I told him. He then offered to let us hop into the back of his truck so as to drive us across the flooded section of road. It was a real blessing, and we therefore stayed dry. On the other side of the waters, I had the opportunity to speak with him for a few minutes about spiritual things and the state of our country. He took a Gospel tract and can be seen perusing it here. I didn’t catch this fisherman’s name, and I never saw him again. But, the LORD sent him to ferry us across the floodwaters—a subtle sign very early on that, as Paul eventually made it to Rome, so we would eventually make it all the way to the waters of the Pacific Ocean. God would make a way across the floodwaters, and He will make a way through the FALSE CHARGES and the UNLAWFUL ARREST up in Madison County, Montana.
God made a way across these floodwaters on North Carolina’s Outer Banks
We have had more than 2600 encounters since the fisherman in the pickup truck with the Confederate flag, a good bit of them motorists who stop as they see us walking. There have been a few middle fingers, some cat calls, an occasional cursing, and we have even had a few things thrown at us. Yet, never an INCIDENT or a REAL PROBLEM. Many times, we have been asked what we are doing, why the SAG vehicle is parked in a certain place, and/or if we would mind moving our vehicle, even if it was parked in a place where we had every right and access to park. Never once have we ever responded to such a request in a way other than a guest in a state or a county not his own would be wise to respond. And yet, after 5,543 miles of walking on a freezing cold day in the middle of nowhere in Madison County, Montana, a man claims “that he stopped his vehicle and requested Defendant and Co-Defendant’s move their vehicle as it was impeding access … a verbal altercation ensued and [MANS NAME] exited his vehicle and the Defendant aimed and/or pointed a firearm at him.” No, we don’t act like that. More than 5,500 walking miles without an incident, without a single police report, and without a real impediment are the LOUDEST PROOF. The testimony speaks for itself. And for the one maniac who claims he simply asked us nicely to justify his vile vitriol and brawling rage, there are many like the fisherman in the truck with the Confederate flag who were a true blessing from the LORD and would say quite otherwise. I am reminded of Jesus’ words in response to ridiculous claims about His ministry: “But wisdom is justified of all her children” (Luke 7:35).
My friends, no man was ever more falsely accused, maligned, slandered, and lied about than the Lord Jesus Christ. No man’s experience in the history of the world even approaches within 5,542 walking miles of the injustice foisted upon the LORD. He was accused of the most outlandish and the most ridiculous at the end of 3.5 years of public testimony that bewrayed the diametric opposite, without any evidence and without even two so-called “witnesses” with false testimony that agreed. His testimony was the LOUDEST PROOF any man ever had against false charges … and yet, the very people He had loved, healed, and helped; the very people who had cried “Hosanna, blessed is He who comes in the name of the LORD” only a few days before BELIEVED the false charges from known liars and suddenly changed their tune. No more Hosanna, but “Let him be crucified … His blood be on us, and on our children” (Matthew 27:23-25). No man has experienced injustice like our LORD.
And yet in this, is such a great blessing and a flowing fountain of strength and resolve for every believer, if we will but drink of it:
“For consider him that endured such contradiction of sinners against himself, lest ye be wearied and faint in your minds. Ye have not yet resisted unto blood, striving against sin” (Hebrews 12:3-4).
While walking across America, I have had many, many hours to meditate upon and memorize Holy Scripture. One of the first passages I determined to memorize was Hebrews 11. But, I couldn’t in good conscience stop at the end of the Chapter. How do you meditate upon all the great testimonies of faith and not consider the “Wherefore” of 12:1? How do you not include the exhortation of 12:1-2? Maybe many folks would stop there. But, I could not. Many days, as I walked, I was weary and faint in the work of the LORD. I needed to hear 12:3-4. I needed to drink of that fountain. So, if you ever decide to memorize or meditate particularly upon Hebrews 11, be sure not to overlook the fountain of “Wherefore” blessing that is 12:1-4.
Have a blessed LORD’S DAY in the fellowship of the brethren! And if you think about it, pray for that kind man in the truck with the Confederate flag. He was a blessing to us on the first day of our walk. Let’s be a blessing to him by lifting him up before the Throne of Grace.