that's why we go to them
Dear praying friends and families, greetings from Nepal!
“And this is the Father’s will which hath sent me, that of all which he hath given me I should lose nothing, but should raise it up again at the last day. And this is the will of him that sent me, that every one which seeth the Son, and believeth on him, may have everlasting life: and I will raise him up at the last day….No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day.”
We just would like to praise God and thank you for your continuous prayers and support. This report hearkens back to March when we went out to Jajarkot District twice to preach and teach. The Lord gave us awesome opportunities to proclaim the Gospel in many villages: Chheda, Baakharka, Kalikhola, Aljham, Srijana Bazaar, Goji Bazaar, Kaprichaur and Aali. We put the Gospel of John and other Gospel literature on the desks of a public school in Kaprichaur in the hope that the students would get them the next morning. We had to spend the night in Kaprichaur without a plan, but God had his plan. We found that there were a few new believers, and so we had a wonderful night of fellowship with them. I taught them the meaning of BELIEVING in the Lord Jesus Christ. Also, we got to share the Gospel to some Indian laborers who came to work on a bridge-building project. At that time, I had just come back from India, and so it was easy for me to speak in Hindi and Urdu to some Muslims among them. Oh, how God gave us opportunities to preach the Gospel in tea shops, along the road, to those who came to buy goats from the neighbor of our base, on the mountain tops, etc. Indeed, when we are ready, then the Lord opens the stony hearts of the people.
A boy also joined the teaching of the pastors and leaders. Later he went out with us to open-air preach. He was one who God had healed miraculously. Not long ago, ther doctors had sent him home after both kidneys failed and there were no more treatment options. One day, his household and all the villagers were gathered to cremate him, thinking that he was dead. But his father sent for a local pastor from the nearest church in the hope that he could offer some help for his son. The situation actually frightened the Pastor, but he prayed alone in the heathen village. The Lord heard: the boy was miraculously healed before witnesses, and his whole household believed in the Lord. And, back in March, he, a living testimony of the power of God, went out with us to preach the Gospel. Praise the Lord!
Pastors and leaders representing twelve churches from remote areas gathered for a discipleship training seminar. They really appreciated the teaching and implored us to continue coming to teach them sound doctrine. These pastors and leaders don't have much training, and it's very difficult for them to leave their families and flocks for long trainings in Kathmandu. That's why we are going to them, planning to return regularly to teach, train and encourage. We supply them with Scriptures, Scripture portions, and Gospel literature for free as the Lord provides. Please pray for God's continuous provision on our behalf that we might continue in this work.
We really appreciate your prayers and ask for more as we make efforts to reach the heathen and teach the believers. We are planning to do the same in southeast Nepal soon. Please pray for us, that we can be used of God to draw people to Jesus so that we all may be raised up at the last day. This is our eternal hope!
Serving the Saviour,
Brother Bishnu
FPGM National Partner in Nepal