following HIM fully
Children in Nepal hear the Gospel for the first time.
Let's praise God for what He has done these last couple of months in Nepal as we have strived to follow him fully. Also, we would like to thank you for holding the rope in prayer and through support of this frontline ministry at a far corner of the globe. Many thousands of the Gospel of John were given out with many thousands of other Gospel tracts. We traveled hundreds of miles in an old vehicle which finally died, having major engine problems. But, God helped us a lot and kept us safe. I want to briefly share some of the answers to your prayers, so that we can rejoice together in Him, the only Cause, the Uncaused Cause.
Open-Air in Ratnapark
After preaching at Ratnapark on Nepal's Martyr's Day about the Eternal and True Martyr, Jesus Christ, my family and I departed for Kapilbastu, the birthplace of Buddha, with 3,200 Gospels of John. We travelled 200 miles, but Bimu's sickness of cold increased. So, as soon as we arrived, I took her to a pharmacy for medicines. She wanted to join me even though she was already sick at home. God helped us, and we started to preach and give out the John's. All of them had been distributed in 3 hours. Then, we had another wonderful opportunity to fellowship with the church at Chubah that night. The next morning, we returned to Kathmandu.
After preaching at Balaju on February 8th, I left with my family the next morning to target another festival in Lekhnath; this time Brother Kiran joined us. We gave out 3,600 Gospels of John and 1,000 Sacrifice Tracts.
On Valentine's Day, we went back to Ratnapark where I preached about God's proposal of Love in Jesus Christ and His sacrifice. It was great to contextualize the truth of the Cross and preach in the open-air. It seemed really meaningful for the people.
Giving out the Word
On February 22nd, I left with a team to Arghakhachi and Kapilbastu. According to our plan, we hit Bhairahawa, a southern city, with the Gospel; and 800 Gospels of John were distributed in half an hour. There were also some great conversations with some people concerning Jesus. We rejoiced just to have so used that half an hour prior before picking up our team doctor from the airport. But, even at the airport we had a few minutes, and we spent them open-air preaching and distributing more tracts. Imagine being able to do that at an American airport. It was really good to enjoy true freedom in a country that, ironically, is presently governed by a communist prime minister. Indeed, God's mysteries are unfounded. Everyone got a tract at that airport, even the police force from the entry gate to the exit gate! I really liked it, because a foreign couple commented, "I don't expect to hear the preaching of Jesus just 10 miles away from Buddha's birth place." Then, I just sowed a seed, "It's not about religion but the relationship with our Creator!"
We reached Dunge next morning with much labor along a dirt road and then conducted a free medical camp. More than 100 people showed up to receive free check-ups and free medicines, not only for body, also for the precious souls. Our team of 14 was busy whole day. We slept on the floor of a school room. It was pitch dark, but I saw a scorpion for the first time in my life as I was trying to take out my tooth brush. I had to kill it just to be safe in the night. The wind blew so hard that night; we were begging God to help us and keep the roof on. Thank you very much for your prayers. The Lord preserved us.
Distributing Gifts to the Villages
The next morning, we hiked up steeply for one-and-a-half hours to get to Damare. More than 100 people showed up for the free medical clinic; and our good team of evangelists did not squander the opportunity to give them spiritual Medicine also. They shared the Gospel to the children from Bible stories and songs. Then, we handed over some gifts to the school and the children: copies with Bible verses printed (Jeremiah 33:3 and John 8:12), pens, footballs, volleyballs, softballs, wall clocks, jumping ropes for the girls, and some games. The villagers really appreciated these things with tears of happiness. Some people hiked even for 3 hours to get there. Now, let's pray for the harvest as our brothers continue to labor in those villages.
Free Medical Camp at Chaubah
That day, we hiked down to Dunge and left for Chaubah. On the morrow, we saw 288 people in the free medical camp and the next day, more than 100. All of them heard the Gospel clearly, some of them for the very first time. One of our team members was a pharmacy student, and she helped a lot. Let's thank God for Ramita's zeal to be in our team of frontliners. Many local pastors also helped to preach the Gospel. These free medical camps, of course, soften the hard hearts of the people who are in bondage to many things. Let's continue to pray for their salvation. We really appreciate the heart of doctor Len for evangelism. God bless you, doctor, in all what you do for the Lord!
We drove back to Kathmandu on the night of February 26th. Oh, we were wasted; but our labor will not be wasted. Thank you very much again for your prayers.
A Nepali gentleman reads at Gospel tract at a rural airport.
The Gospel Center is going well. Many tracts and Gospels of John are continually going out. We are inviting new people, and last week, a lady came, attended the service, and heard the Gospel clearly. Please pray for Bina and her sons. Also, we have started another fellowship at Harisiddhi, 5 km east of Jawalakhel. We are planning to have two services on Saturdays, and now I'm taking care of them in terms of teaching. So, please pray for me and pray that God would raise up leaders for these fellowships. And, I'm praying to slow down little bit in terms of travel and try to multiply myself so that we have many evangelists to work together even in different unreached areas. Please pray for us. Lord willing, my family and I hope to spend few weeks in evangelism in other countries during the coming monsoon while we can do little on the streets or in the villages here. A brother is begging us to come to PEI, Canada again to reach the Nepali-speaking refugees. We preached there in 2010, but now there are about 40 new families and they, as well, need to hear the Gospel in their own language. Last time, we preached to 11 families and seven out of them got baptized last year. So, they are asking us to come again. Lord willing we would go to that end also so that we can reach many such people in the States also. Please pray with us that God's will should be done!
I was just wondering about the verse quoted above: Will God say so about me? Can I say so about me? Will others around me will say so about me? Am I following the Lord my God fully. This passage really challenged me recently as I preached from it. I hope this verse will challenge you as well.
God bless you and keep you for His glory. Please don't hesitate to contact us, in case the Lord leads you to donate for the printing of literature and/or supporting the frontline evangelists and church planters. Remember, online donations can be made through Full Proof Gospel Ministries HERE. Please note "Nepal" somewhere in the form, and FPGM will make sure the monies are forwarded for our use.
From the front lines in Nepal, Bishnu, Bimu and the Team DSMA Publication & Ministries GPO 8975, EPC 987 Kathmandu, Nepal email: