comfort in comfort
I walked through the little community of Comfort, NC last week and found comfort when a stranger saw me stumble and then ran home to prepare for me a big bottle of ice-water.
Greetings, beloved brethren. This is just a quick update as Bethany and I, along with Carter Phillips, one of our former Team Yeshua volunteers, will be heading back to the walking route real early in the morning. After a fruitful week of 92 miles across 3 counties, we came back home to worship with our local church and to rest up for a couple of days. My ailing knee was really feeling it by Saturday evening. Notwithstanding, it was a good week. Thank you for your prayers and support.
Along that 92 miles of rural highways and hedges, we had 67 Gospel encounters. Four Bibles and many, many Gospel tracts were distributed. We are still on the lookout for that first lost sheep from the House of Israel, but that will come in the Lord’s perfect timing. That brings the overall totals to 220 miles, 151 Gospel encounters, and 8 Bibles from the location of the old Cape Hatteras Lighthouse in Dare County, NC to the intersection of Willard Road & US Hwy 421 just over the line in Sampson County, NC. Here is a glimpse of what that looks like thus far:
220 walking miles from Cape Hatteras to US Hwy 421
There are many things I can share from past week, many Divine Providences; but I will save some of that for a future update. Let me, however, relay one incident that sticks out particularly in my mind. It was the heat of the day, and I walked into a very small hamlet called Comfort along NC Hwy 41 in Duplin County. Suddenly, I stumbled and dropped the cross. A woman was pulling out of a driveway when this happened, so I waved to let her know I was ok. She drove off, and I didn’t even think she saw me. I continued to walk, very hot and thirsty, and the little water I had left was too warm to quench my thirst. Unexpectedly, that same woman drove up and approached quickly with a large thermos full of ice and cold water. She had seen me stumble, and the LORD had laid it upon her heart that I needed something to drink. Truly, I did. That cold cup of water was truly COMFORT from the Lord in Comfort, North Carolina. And that sister in Christ will not lose her reward:
“For whosoever shall give you a cup of water to drink in my name, because ye belong to Christ, verily I say unto you, he shall not lose his reward” (Mark 9:41).
This seemingly insignificant incident reminded me of how much I’d rather be poor and free than rich and encumbered with the vanities of this world, poor like a bird (Matthew 6:26). For I know that He will always take care of me. And He will do the same for you!
This thermos reminded me of how I’d rather be poor and free than rich and encumbered.
I am really excited about this Gospel tract I wrote and had printed to distribute along FPGM’s The Long Walk. I just received a shipment of 5,000 that we aim to start using this coming week. People along America’s highways and hedges need to understand that this country is in BIG TROUBLE with the Lord. Only Jesus Christ can save Americans to God, and only Jesus Christ the Messiah can save Americans FROM GOD. I trust the Lord will use it. Here is a glimpse. The three statements of previous American Presidents included thereupon are some of my favorites that I like to reference when preaching in the open air. They are poignant and convicting . . . so very true.
On another note, Eric and Mindy Trent finally had their baby, a healthy 9-lb girl named Louella Evangeline. Mindy ended up needing a C-section, but mom and baby are doing well. Thanks for your prayers toward this end. I was blessed to be one of the first who got to hold her when they came home from the hospital.
Welcome to this old fallen world Miss Louella Trent!
I would appreciate your continued prayers for my ailing knee. The injury is a bit of a nuisance that does slow me down. Also, please pray for the LORD’s provision with regard to the ministry’s physical needs. So far in 2021, FPGM’s financial support is down nearly a third from last year’s numbers and nearly 40% from 2019. So, this long walk is truly a step of faith. If this work and these testimonies are, or have been a blessing to you, please consider financially supporting our ministry to the Jew first and also to the Gentile. Anything you can give is a blessing that will be used faithfully and with account. All contributions are tax-deductible, and donating online is very easy. Thank you!
Lord willing, we will be back at it tomorrow. When you read your Bible, don’t just camp out in the New Testament. For the Apostle Paul said this of the Old Testament Scriptures:
“For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope” (Romans 15:4).
For the Word of God and the Testimony of Jesus the Messiah,
Jesse Boyd, Full Proof Gospel Ministries